If you think isn’t a big deal for Coronavirus (covid19)

If you still hanging with friend,going to restaurants ,shopping mall and act like nothing big deal with coronavirus (covid19) mean you have no idea what’s coming.
Their know what us thinking because them were in our place before.
For the first cases begin ,everybody think ,nothing to worry just a bad flu!i,m not 75y/o, so everybody don’t overreacting and i,m /we safe.Just life as usual and no need to freak out.
Once declare Red zone cause of number of cases there are some deaths but only old people .So we lead their life as usual.Still doing the same activities as before and meeting friend.
Once the number of cases is rapidly going up ,almost double for one day and there more deaths ,that time everybody will be under red zones and quarantine.
Quarantine time many people still don’t realize the seriousness of situation coronavirus (covid19).Everywhere you turn people advise to wash your hands and limit going out,large groups are forbidden ,every 5 minute tv will remaid you of these rules.But maybe still hasn’t settled in people mind.
The number of cases is heavily increasing ,school ,university ,office are closed for at least a month and will called national healthy emergency.
That time Hospitals aren’t enough space ,doctor and nurses ,so calling retired ones and thise their last 2 years of university and no more shifts just work as much as can.
Surely doctors and nurse are getting infected ,spreading it to their families.than cases pneumonia will increase and many patient need ICU and will be issue about space and places.

So we need to be prepare and don’t drag our place to this crisis.We need to precaution ,Everybody must know ,learning how dangeorus this coronavirus(covid19). Everybody must educated people around you how to prevent this coronavirus (covid19).
Please take precaution and delay spreading of coronavirus (covid19) as much as possible
It not about one person responsibility BUT Everybody responsibility.
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