WQ Park, strives on helping a person to reach the fullest physical, psychological, social, vocational and educational potential consistent with his/her physiological or anatomic impairment, environmental limitation, and desires and life plans.
We employ multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team approach. The team is headed by a Rehabilitation Physician, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Developmental Paediatrician, and assisted by qualified Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Speech Therapist, Interventionist, nurse and our friendly customer care team.
However the most important members of the team would be the patient and their family. All members of the team will be involved in the goal setting discussion and regularly scheduled team and family conferences are held to review each patient's treatment plan and progress.
Rehabilitation for adults: Our approach addresses the whole person in relation to their family, vocational and community.
Rehabilitation for children: As play is a child's work, we incorporate fun in the therapy.